Choosing a color scheme for you kitchen can be more difficult than anticipated. Colors carry many connotations and evoke particular emotions. So, how do you know which one is right for your kitchen space? Below, we cover some of the basics when it comes to choosing a color scheme in your kitchen.


Warm Colors

As you might expect, warm colors are reds, oranges, and yellows. Basically, any color that would remind you of warmth, fire, or the sun. Warmer colors such as red are believed to stimulate the appetite. Because they can be a bit harsh, people tend to choose to use them as accents, either on the cabinets or the walls.

Yellow can instantly brighten up a room. Also believed to make people hungry, yellow has a soothing quality and will instantly make people feel calm and happy in your kitchen. A good option for small spaces, yellow can make rooms feel bigger and brighter, and it pairs well with white and gray accents.

Most people start their days in their kitchens, and white can really energize a room. It feels fresh and clean, and an all-white kitchen will really wake you up the minute you step in it. You can also have more fun with your countertops and backsplash in an all-white kitchen and choose brighter colors or designs for those.



Neutrals may be timeless, but there are some combinations that look especially fresh. One of the biggest advantages of neutrals is that there are so many natural materials available in tones that mix together beautifully, and all colors look great against a neutral palette.

Most people start their days in their kitchens, and white can really energize a room. It feels fresh and clean, and an all-white kitchen will really wake you up the minute you step in it. There’s also more opportunity to design accents on countertops and backsplashes in an all-white kitchen and choose brighter colors or designs for those accents.


Cool Colors

Gray is a neutral that’s been taking center stage lately in many homes. It pairs beautifully with a wide array of other colors and is the perfect base to build upon in a kitchen. It also works well as a countertop or cabinet color.

Blue is another color that works well in kitchens. When lighter shades of blue are used, they can create a clean look and are recommended for walls, cabinets, or even the ceiling. Blue is an invigorating color and works best when used sparingly; otherwise it can overpower a room. Dark blues also work well in kitchens, but it’s important to accent the rest of the room with hints of white, gray or other neutral tones to keep it from feeling too intense and dark.

Green is also a smart shade to use in the kitchen. There are many different shades to choose from including mint and apple green, which pair nicely with white and wood accents.